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Indy Contra Dance

Englewood Christian Church 57 N. Rural St., Indianapolis, IN, United States

We dance on the first Tuesday of the month, 7-9 pm ET. There’s no smoking or drinking, and anyone’s welcome to dance together, regardless of age, experience, gender, preference for dogs or cats, etc. We provide a brief new dancer intro / refresher / warm-up starting at 6:40, with dancing for everybody 7:00 – 9:00 […]

$5 – $20

Indy Family Folk Dance

Rocky Ripple Town Hall 930 West 54th St, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Another chance to dance at our Indy Contra Family Folk Dance! These family folk dances are geared towards the 3-10 year old age range, with help needed from parents, grandparents, older siblings, and friendly adults. Snack and space provided by our sponsor Rocky Ripple Community Association!

Free – $20

Indy Contra Dance

Englewood Christian Church 57 N. Rural St., Indianapolis, IN, United States

We dance on the first Tuesday of the month, 7-9 pm ET. There’s no smoking or drinking, and anyone’s welcome to dance together, regardless of age, experience, gender, preference for dogs or cats, etc. We provide a brief new dancer intro / refresher / warm-up starting at 6:40, with dancing for everybody 7:00 – 9:00 […]

$5 – $20

Indy Family Folk Dance

Rocky Ripple Town Hall 930 West 54th St, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Another chance to dance at our Indy Contra Family Folk Dance! These family folk dances are geared towards the 3-10 year old age range, with help needed from parents, grandparents, older siblings, and friendly adults. Snack and space provided by our sponsor Rocky Ripple Community Association!

Free – $20

Indy Contra Dance

Englewood Christian Church 57 N. Rural St., Indianapolis, IN, United States

We dance on the first Tuesday of the month, 7-9 pm ET. There’s no smoking or drinking, and anyone’s welcome to dance together, regardless of age, experience, gender, preference for dogs or cats, etc. We provide a brief new dancer intro / refresher / warm-up starting at 6:40, with dancing for everybody 7:00 – 9:00 […]

$5 – $20

Indy Family Folk Dance

Rocky Ripple Town Hall 930 West 54th St, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Another chance to dance at our Indy Contra Family Folk Dance! These family folk dances are geared towards the 3-10 year old age range, with help needed from parents, grandparents, older siblings, and friendly adults. Snack and space provided by our sponsor Rocky Ripple Community Association!

Free – $20

Indy Contra Dance

Englewood Christian Church 57 N. Rural St., Indianapolis, IN, United States

We dance on the first Tuesday of the month, 7-9 pm ET. There’s no smoking or drinking, and anyone’s welcome to dance together, regardless of age, experience, gender, preference for dogs or cats, etc. We provide a brief new dancer intro / refresher / warm-up starting at 6:40, with dancing for everybody 7:00 – 9:00 […]

$5 – $20

Indy Contra Dance

Englewood Christian Church 57 N. Rural St., Indianapolis, IN, United States

We dance on the first Tuesday of the month, 7-9 pm ET. There’s no smoking or drinking, and anyone’s welcome to dance together, regardless of age, experience, gender, preference for dogs or cats, etc. We provide a brief new dancer intro / refresher / warm-up starting at 6:40, with dancing for everybody 7:00 – 9:00 […]

$5 – $20

Indy Contra Dance

Englewood Christian Church 57 N. Rural St., Indianapolis, IN, United States

We dance on the first Tuesday of the month, 7-9 pm ET. There’s no smoking or drinking, and anyone’s welcome to dance together, regardless of age, experience, gender, preference for dogs or cats, etc. We provide a brief new dancer intro / refresher / warm-up starting at 6:40, with dancing for everybody 7:00 – 9:00 […]

$5 – $20

Indy Contra Dance

Englewood Christian Church 57 N. Rural St., Indianapolis, IN, United States

We dance on the first Tuesday of the month, 7-9 pm ET. There’s no smoking or drinking, and anyone’s welcome to dance together, regardless of age, experience, gender, preference for dogs or cats, etc. We provide a brief new dancer intro / refresher / warm-up starting at 6:40, with dancing for everybody 7:00 – 9:00 […]

$5 – $20