We’ve been dancing for a combined total of about 88 years. We met at a weekly dance in New York City, and five years later morris and country dance were key elements in our wedding. We’ve gone to (at least one) CDSS week at camp every year since 1973, including English, American, English and American, Family, Campers, Buffalo Gap, and Early Music. Beverly is a leading caller and David has been involved in board work (CDSS, CDNY, PCI) for many years. Clearly dancing has been a dear part of our lives for decades.

Although CDSS may not be the immediate sponsor of our local dances, it underlies our dance lives in significant ways. Camp, of course, has been a wonderful vacation that also provides a source of new dances, a chance to feel part of the larger community of dancers, and inspiration by seeing others do things very well. With the CDSS umbrella, our local dance groups have had the vital support of tax exemption and liability insurance. Most of Beverly’s extensive library has come from CDSS, while workshops at Pinewoods and mentoring from CDSS leaders like Genny Shimer helped her develop as a dance leader. The CDSS newsletter and social media keep us abreast of what is happening across the continent. CDSS is the network that has kept us connected to dance and dancers beyond our local groups. It’s the link, sometimes unseen but always there, that brings people and tradition and creativity together. For us, these connections have given us fellowship and community and decades of fun.

Given all this, we have provided substantial contributions to CDSS over the years and both of us have served on the CDSS Board. Naturally we want to include in our final bequests the organization that has contributed to our health and happiness all these years. We recently moved from New Jersey to Ohio to be close to family. Our son grew up dancing and sings songs from Pinewoods to his children. We have the happy obligation to help provide for their futures. So we’ll do what we can – CDSS really is important and has a place in our hearts. We want to contribute to insuring a thriving dance and music community for future generations.