Sometimes people ask what it is that I love about CDSS. That’s easy: it has given me decades of joy. I was introduced to English country dance by accident 30 years ago, and I’ve never looked back. My participation in everything from English country, contra, morris and rapper, to the exhilarating community singing of Sacred Harp, all lead back to CDSS.
I’ve been to camp, taken wonderful training courses, and, most importantly, I have made friends all across the continent and beyond. CDSS has given me a community full of fun, laughter, and caring.
CDSS will be here when COVID-19 is vanquished. So, it makes sense that I am remembering CDSS in my estate plans. By bequeathing a final gift, I can leave behind a legacy of joy. It’s a wonderful way to give back when I have been given so much. Share the joy and pass it on!