The portal contains a vast range of resources by and for the dance, music, and song community. From expert tips from fellow organizers and callers, to databases of dances and songs, find what you need to help engage with the traditions you love!

Resources added before 2022 do not all have explicit permission from the authors. If your resource is in the portal and you’d like it removed, please email us.

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115 Results

Let’s Talk About Reentry, Part 5: News from Groups That Have Resumed In-person Events

August 12, 2021

There is strong interest amongst organizers in hearing news from communities that have already resumed in-person events. This Web Chat provided valuable experiences and suggestions from two dance and song organizers ​who are already navigating their reentry, as well as perspectives from a public health professional.

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Categories: Organizers, Web Chats

Let’s Talk About Reentry, Part 4: Addressing Legal and Other Burning Questions

May 19, 2021

For this Web Chat, CDSS hired an attorney to address some of our broader community’s legal questions. Other panelists provided resources and considerations to help organizers chart their group’s course for safely emerging from the pandemic. Ultimately, each group needs to ask their own questions and find answers that are right for their location, type of event, and community. We’re all in this together!

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Categories: Organizers, Web Chats

Let’s Talk About Reentry, Part 3: An MD Discusses Vaccines, and We Discuss Our Sector’s Needs

March 1, 2021

In this third installment of the “Let’s Talk About Reentry” Web Chat series, we featured presentations and discussions about how the pandemic has altered our communities’ needs and how we can best prepare for returning to in-person dancing, singing, and music-making.

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Categories: Organizers, Web Chats

Singing and Playing Music in REAL TIME! An online discussion for organizers of song communities and open bands

January 13, 2021

Members of the Sacred Harp group FaSoLa Philadelphia (PA) and the Phoenix (AZ) Traditional Music & Dance Society joined us for this conversation. During the Web Chat, they shared their successes with using the computer program Jamulus to enable their groups to sing and play music in real time!

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Categories: Organizers, Singers, Web Chats

Let’s Talk About Reentry: Working Together Now for a Strong Return to Dancing

October 21, 2020

During this down time, there is work we can be doing to ensure a joyful and fulfilling return to the dance floor. We talked about our evolving expectations for reentry, the changes we need to prepare for, and the important role organizers can play in preparing our communities for a bright future.

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Categories: Dance Tradition, Organizers, Web Chats

Supporting Song Communities Across the Continent

September 16, 2020

Many organizers of song groups are finding creative ways to keep your community engaged and connected during the pandemic. In this Web Chat, we heard from organizers about experiences that are working well in their song groups. We featured a few guest speakers and took time for Q&A, open conversation, and breakout rooms.

Categories: Organizers, Singers, Web Chats

Let’s Talk About Reentry: Recommendations and Q&A for Organizers

July 8, 2020

This Web Chat was hosted by Katy German, CDSS Executive Director. We addressed the BIG questions on organizers’ minds: How can we keep our communities safe in a pandemic? When can we dance and sing in the same place again? What does it mean to be a dance/music/song organizer when we can’t be together?

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Categories: Organizers, Web Chats

Yes we CAN keep in touch! Connecting Our Communities During the Pandemic

April 29, 2020

This exciting Web Chat connected 135 music, dance, and song organizers from far and wide! We launched a new online resource to share many of the creative ideas contributed by these communities.

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Categories: Organizers, Web Chats

Diversifying Income: Thinking Outside the Money Basket

February 12, 2020

This presentation provides many useful questions and suggestions to help each dance group assess which fundraising ideas will work best for their group. Ideas for additional income sources included.

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Categories: Organizers, Web Chats

Connecting Community Sing Organizers

October 16, 2019

Do you organize a participatory singing event (song circle, pub sing, etc.) primarily focused on traditional songs? If so, don’t miss this chance to hear about creating a thriving community sing series. CDSS web chat guests from across the continent will share their experiences, including time for Q&A.

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Categories: Organizers, Singers, Web Chats

Building Safe Dance Communities

July 11, 2019

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to gather valuable resources and hear personal experiences about this important topic. You’ll hear from web chat guests across the continent and there will be time for Q&A.
  • Avia Moore (Toronto, ON) will share resources compiled by the CDSS Community Safety Task Group.
  • Diane Silver and Robert Zieber (Asheville, NC) are long-time organizers for the Old Farmers Ball dance community.
  • Marcia Davis-Cannon (Mountain View, CA) leads workshops on this topic for dance organizers on the West Coast.
  • Angela DeCarlis (Boston, MA) is a former Board Member of BIDA (Boston Intergenerational Dance Advocates) and co-founder of the BIDA Safety Team.

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Categories: Dance Tradition, Organizers, Web Chats

Topics: Community Safety

Family/Community Dance Organizers Unite!

April 4, 2019

Organizers of thriving family and community dances from far and wide share their stories and advice, including time for Q&A. 

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Categories: Community/Family Dance, Organizers, Web Chats

Increasing Youth Involvement

January 16, 2019

The following guests will share successes from their communities on this topic: Louise Siddons (English country dance organizer from Stillwater OK), and contra dance organizers Bradley Smith (Louisville KY), Lisa Faryadi & Kenneth Bartholow (Charlotte NC), and Max Newman (Boston). We’ll also include time for Q&A. 

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Categories: Organizers, Web Chats

Creating a Thriving Open Band

September 20, 2018

Please join us if your group encourages sit-in musicians at your dances, or if you’re interested to learn more about including this opportunity at your dances. We’ll hear from open band leaders in Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, and Massachusetts, and have a Q&A at the end.

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Categories: Musicians, Organizers, Web Chats

Topics: Open Bands

Boosting AttenDANCE

June 21, 2018

Join us for the first in a series of online events designed to facilitate the sharing of resources, knowledge, and ideas among dance organizers. We’ll address the topic of Boosting AttenDANCE by hearing tried-and-true stories from members of several dance communities that are experiencing success in this area. 

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Categories: Dance Tradition, Organizers, Web Chats