Let’s Talk About Reentry: Working Together Now for a Strong Return to Dancing

October 21, 2020

During this down time, there is work we can be doing to ensure a joyful and fulfilling return to the dance floor. We talked about our evolving expectations for reentry, the changes we need to prepare for, and the important role organizers can play in preparing our communities for a bright future.

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Building Safe Dance Communities

July 11, 2019

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to gather valuable resources and hear personal experiences about this important topic. You’ll hear from web chat guests across the continent and there will be time for Q&A.
  • Avia Moore (Toronto, ON) will share resources compiled by the CDSS Community Safety Task Group.
  • Diane Silver and Robert Zieber (Asheville, NC) are long-time organizers for the Old Farmers Ball dance community.
  • Marcia Davis-Cannon (Mountain View, CA) leads workshops on this topic for dance organizers on the West Coast.
  • Angela DeCarlis (Boston, MA) is a former Board Member of BIDA (Boston Intergenerational Dance Advocates) and co-founder of the BIDA Safety Team.

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Boosting AttenDANCE

June 21, 2018

Join us for the first in a series of online events designed to facilitate the sharing of resources, knowledge, and ideas among dance organizers. We’ll address the topic of Boosting AttenDANCE by hearing tried-and-true stories from members of several dance communities that are experiencing success in this area. 

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