Colin Hume presents descriptions and commentary on all of the 200+ square dances in Northern Junket, a magazine published by Ralph Page from 1949 to 1985.
Jeremy Child explores positional calling as a way to expand the boundaries of choreography.
Antony’s collection includes over 21,000 dances from a wide range of traditions.
From Antony Heywood
This website includes a large collection of English barn dances as well as tips for playing, resources for beginners, descriptions of terms, and more.
From Thomas Green
This online collection of approximately 100 English country dances comes from some earlier collections (e.g., Thompson; Wilson; Wright) as well as dances composed by Ken Sheffield. Both the music notation as well as instructions for the dance are provided.
Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend Syllabi 1998-2017
This is a very extensive collection of traditional dances from New England as called at each annual dance weekend. A significant portion of the program celebrates the tradition’s roots and includes choreography for traditional contras and quadrilles, triple minor dances, singing squares, and couple dances as part of the program.
From RPDLW and UNH
Playford’s Dancing Master: The Compleat Dance Guide
This is an exhaustive collection, catalogue, and index of all dances published in editions of the Dancing Master, 1651-1728
From Scott Pfitzinger
This book by Patrick Napier (available online as a PDF) provides a wonderful introduction to Kentucky Mountain Square Dancing. The book includes a bit of history and general calling tips prior to describing many Big Set and Running Set figures. It also includes fillers and closing calls.
A useful and informative introduction, plus a variety of figures for big set, square, and two couple formations.
From Hugh Stewart
This online collection of Charles Bolton’s work contains both interpretations of 17th and 18th-century English country dances (with music) as well as nine booklets of Charles’ original dances and tunes.