Feedback Tool: Try This at Home Too!
Linda Henry presents an approach to collecting and using feedback that callers might find helpful in improving their own calling.
From the CDSS News
Feedback Tool: Try This at Home Too!
Linda Henry presents an approach to collecting and using feedback that callers might find helpful in improving their own calling.
From the CDSS News
Madison’s Tuesday Night Dances: Fostering Talent for More Than 20 Years
This article by Carol Ormond describes Madison’s approach to developing talent through weekly dances that feature newer callers as well as an open band.
From the CDSS News
Dela Murphy describes Portland, Maine’s approach to training and mentoring new callers, including how they source funding for that work.
From the CDSS News
Training New Contra Callers in Portland, ME
Dugan Murphy describes Portland, Maine’s experience in training new contra callers.
From the CDSS News
Tom’s Contra Page – Choreography
Tom Lehmann’s thoughts on composing contra dances.
Cary Ravitz’s Rules on Choreography
Cary Ravitz provides a list of the rules he follows when writing a dance.
Writing Dances: A Conversation with Erik Hoffman
Evo Bluestein interviews Erik Hoffman about how Erik started writing dances and his process. Some of Erik’s dances are featured in the article.
From the CDSS News
Working and Communicating with the Band
A list of nine tips by Nan Evans and Fred Nussbaum for working with bands for English country dance.
From the CDSS News
How to Get Gigs as a Dance Musician
This two-page resource contains a number of great ideas on how to get gigs as a dance musician. Many of the ideas are also applicable to callers as well as other types of musicians.