New Old Songs: Writing Within the Tradition
Alex Sturbaum shares tips for writing new songs within folk traditions and touches on writing with less-often-mentioned themes in mind.
From the CDSS News
New Old Songs: Writing Within the Tradition
Alex Sturbaum shares tips for writing new songs within folk traditions and touches on writing with less-often-mentioned themes in mind.
From the CDSS News
Addressing Racism as a Dance Community
In this short overview, the organizers of Portland Intown Contra Dance acknowledge and explain some of the various Black and African influences on American folk dance traditions.
From the Portland Intown Contra Dance
Dinah, Put Down Your Horn: Blackface Minstrel Songs Don’t Belong in Music Class
In this article, the author puts forward the need to remove racist songs from school music programs and discusses a number of songs with racist messaging.
From Dr. Katya Ermolaeva
Anti-Racism and the Folk Revival
This article focuses on racism within our traditions, in particular relating to the work of Cecil Sharp and his contemporaries, and on how our history informs our present and should influence our future.
From Ezra Fisher
Dance Weekend 101: Streamlining the organization of weekend dance events
Ever thought of organizing a dance weekend? Come explore the ins and outs of what it takes to streamline a successful event.
From Adam Broome & Jaige Trudel
Puttin’ On The Dance 2015
The Ins and Outs of Cooking for Dancers
An article by Sarah Pilzer with great advice for weekends and camps about cooking for dancers!
From the CDSS News
Putting on “Techno” Contra Dances
This article from Will Loving, with a note from Sue Songer around copyright issues, describes the details of putting on a techno contra including lighting and equipment recommendations.
From the CDSS News
An online discussion to support organizers of song groups
Two organizers offered firsthand experiences about keeping their song groups alive and well through the pandemic by hosting in-person and online singing events. Our third guest provided the latest COVID-19 news from her public health perspective, with suggestions especially pertinent for song group organizers. Q&A with all three guests included:
This resource provides a number of tips and considerations when looking for a new space to hold a dance or music event.
These downloadable Excel sheets are a great start for a sample dance budget and also for reporting income/expenses from a single event.
From Leda Shapiro Southwest Regional Organizers Conference 2014