The Morris Federation

The Morris Federation is an association of self-governing morris teams in England. Their website includes archives, publications, team finder, and more.

The Morris Ring

The Morris Ring is an association of approximately 180 morris, sword, and mummer clubs/teams in England. Their website has a wide range of resources, including publications, information about the various traditions, morris music, and more.

Morris Teams of the World Map

This Google Map lists hundreds of morris teams throughout the world.  It is easy to add/update team information and search by type of side.

From James Merryclough

MDDL Morris Dancing Discussion List

The MDDL (“Muddle”) is an unmoderated listserv (email group) devoted to discussions, debates, and rants on all things morris, including: Cotswold, border, garland, Northwest, etc.; sword dancing, both long sword and rapper; mumming, mumming plays and other ritual drama; molly dancing, Abbots Bromley, plough dancing; winter festivals such as wassailing, caroling and Twelfth Night; May Day celebrations, including May poles and other rural festivities; and anything else we can think of that might be even the slightest bit morris related.

Let’s Talk About Reentry, Part 6: Prioritizing Safety at In-person Dances

February 28, 2022

CDSS Executive Director Katy German had a conversation with three contra dance organizers who have resumed in-person dancing. They described adjustments they’ve made to their “normal” processes, what impacted their decision to resume, what they’re asking of participants, and what they recommend to others. We also presented a new online resource: Groups that Have Resumed In-person Events.

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