CDSS is pleased to host two collections of the late Ken Sheffield: all ten volumes of From Two Barns and now, The Century Collection.

The Century Collection is available as a complete 129-page pdf download.

You may download each entire volume of From Two Barns as one PDF (look for the bold “Complete Edition” under each number) or as individual dances.

All dances are © Ken Sheffield and are published here with his permission. The dances and tunes may be printed for your own use, under Creative Commons license (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike: CC BY-NC-SA). This means:

  • you must credit Ken Sheffield and the CDSS Online Library;
  • you may print and redistribute the dances, and build upon Ken’s work;
  • all new work must carry the same license, so any derivatives must also be non-commercial in nature.
Collections history

In 1982 Ken Sheffield published the first volume of From Two Barns. The plan was to produce a book of ten dances each year for ten years; other activities got in the way, as they tend to do, but ten books were eventually published, the last one in 2005.

Volume 10 includes a short history titled “Why From Two Barns,” which explains the title of the series, and how and why they happened.

Ken began work on The Century Collection before the publication of From Two Barns Vol. 10, in 2005. He passed away in 2017 before the book was completed, but all the dances and notes he planned to include remained. Since that time, they have been thoroughly researched and edited by Frances White and Diana Triplow in order to present the complete collection at last. During the intervening years some of the dances have been researched and published by others, and many of these are now well-known and popular. However, the collection is presented in its entirety here, as Ken had intended.

Ken Sheffield Biography

How Did I Get Mixed Up with Folk Dancing?

Ken Sheffield
Ken Sheffield

Apart from the “Music and Movement” programme on the Schools Broadcast, pre-war when I was seven or eight, I was not involved in any sort of dance activity. However at a choir supper, just after the Queen had been square dancing in Canada, the entertainment was a session square dancing run by a gentleman who organized a club in Aylesbury. From then on I used to spend Thursday evenings at this club.

A few weeks later I started off on my old motorbike to go roller skating at Princes Risborough and was obliged to take to a layby by a car on the wrong side of the road. The layby was about two inches deep in white mud which had run down off the Chiltern Hills. Both the bike and I changed colour! Even my black helmet was white!

Returning home to change I found my friend Bob, who had arranged to take his girlfriend, Betty, to a dance at Long Crendon, waiting for me. Unfortunately her mother would not let her go unless her elder sister went as well. He had arranged for me to partner the elder sister. The girls went off on the bus from Quainton to Long Crendon and we took off on the bike.

To Bob’s chagrin it was a folk dance, to 78 rpm records, played on a wind-up gramophone. Shortly after this escapade Bob and Betty split up leaving me with two new activities, which have endured for over sixty years, English folk dancing and, shortly afterwards, a wife.

Ken Sheffield
February, 2011

The Century Collection by Ken Sheffield, edited by Frances White and Diana Triplow

PDFThe Century Collection

From Two Barns: Ten Country Dances (mainly from Thompson, Wright and Wilson), compiled by Ken Sheffield

Volume 1

Document Volume Page #
PDFAnother Sweet Richard Vol 1 11
PDFBath Medley Vol 1 4
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 1—Complete Edition Vol 1 complete
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 1—Cover Page Vol 1 cover
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 1—Foreword Vol 1 foreword
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 1—Index Vol 1 index
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 1—Inside Cover Page Vol 1 inside front
PDFNew Princess Royal Vol 1 10
PDFRural Felicity Vol 1 7
PDFSicilian Dance Vol 1 5
PDFSun Assembly Vol 1 9
PDFTrusty Dick Vol 1 3
PDFTunbridge Frisk Vol 1 1
PDFWright Butter’d Peas Vol 1 8
PDFYoungs Wisdom Vol 1 2

Volume 2

Document Volume Page #
PDFBetter Day Better Deed Vol 2 10
PDFBlue Primrose Vol 2 5
PDFDapper Harry Vol 2 11
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 2—Complete Edition Vol 2 complete
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 2—Cover Page Vol 2 cover
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 2—Foreword Vol 2 foreword
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 2—Index Vol 2 index
PDFGuardian Angels Vol 2 3
PDFNeals Maggot Vol 2 12
PDFThe Old Jubilee Vol 2 7
PDFThe Rainbow Vol 2 2
PDFThe Ton Vol 2 1
PDFA Trip to Wimbledon Vol 2 9
PDFTrue Joak Vol 2 8

Volume 3

Document Volume Page #
PDFBloomsbury Market Vol 3 9
PDFBob in the Bed Vol 3 2
PDFThe Disbanded Officer Vol 3 4
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 3—Complete Edition Vol 3 complete
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 3—Cover Page Vol 3 cover
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 3—Foreword Vol 3 foreword
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 3—Illustration Vol 3 illustration
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 3—Index Vol 3 index
PDFJust a Going Vol 3 1
PDFPainted Chamber Vol 3 1
PDFThe Recruiting Officer Vol 3 8
PDFSawney was Tall Vol 3 11
PDFSuggar Candie Vol 3 3
PDFThomas and Sally Vol 3 6
PDFThe Weezle Vol 3 5

Volume 4

Document Volume Page #
PDFClifton Springs Vol 4 1
PDFConstant Nymph Vol 4 10
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 4—Complete Edition Vol 4 complete
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 4—Cover Vol 4 cover
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 4—Foreword Vol 4 foreword
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 4—Frontispiece Vol 4 frontis
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 4—Index Vol 4 index
PDFHalf Century Vol 4 11
PDFThe London Assembly Vol 4 7
PDFThe Mayor and the Corporation Vol 4 9
PDFNeck or Nothing Vol 4 2
PDFNewbury Fair Vol 4 5
PDFNewmarket Vol 4 3
PDFNorth Country Lass Vol 4 8
PDFPrincess Augusta’s Tamborine Vol 4 13

Volume 5

Document Volume Page #
PDFThe Corner House Vol 5 10
PDFCount Tallard Vol 5 1
PDFEast Indian Vol 5 2
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 5—Complete Edition Vol 5 complete
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 5—Cover Vol 5 cover
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 5—Foreword Vol 5 foreword
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 5—Frontispiece Vol 5 frontis
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 5—Index Vol 5 index
PDFHuzza My Boys Vol 5 3
PDFLord Kilmurray’s Delight Vol 5 4
PDFMiss Margaret’s Delight Vol 5 5
PDFMiss Sandie’s Delight Vol 5 7
PDFThe Temple of Health Vol 5 9
PDFThe White Joak Vol 5 10
PDFWilly’s Rare and Willy’s Fair Vol 5 11

Volume 6

Document Volume Page #
PDFThe Black Boy Vol 6 5
PDFThe Brickmakers Vol 6 2
PDFEdgworth Bumpkins Vol 6 cover
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 6—Complete Edition Vol 6 complete
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 6—Cover Vol 6 cover
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 6—Foreword Vol 6 foreword
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 6—Frontispiece Vol 6 frontis
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 6—Illustration Vol 6 illustration
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 6—Index Vol 6 index
PDFMermaid Vol 6 3
PDFMilk Maids Bob Vol 6 6
PDFMiss Longs For It Vol 6 10
PDFMore Alterations Vol 6 9
PDFThe Revellee Vol 6 11
PDFThe Scating Dutchman Vol 6 7
PDFThe Steel Hoop Vol 6 8

Volume 7

Document Volume Page #
PDFBarbarini’s Tambourine Vol 7 4
PDFCorelli’s Gavot Vol 7 1
PDFThe Faithful Swain
Vol 7 9
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 7—Complete Edition Vol 7 complete
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 7—Cover Vol 7 cover
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 7—Foreword Vol 7 foreword
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 7—Frontispiece Vol 7 frontis
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 7—Illustration Vol 7 illustration
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 7—Index Vol 7 index
PDFJack of Both Sides Vol 7 3
PDFKind and Easey Vol 7 6
PDFThe Man From Canterbury Vol 7 8
PDFThe Romp Vol 7 5
PDFSmith’s Boree Vol 7 2
PDFVaughn’s Ramble Vol 7 11
PDFWhirle It About Vol 7 7

Volume 8

Document Volume Page #
PDFAvos Bay Vol 8 9
PDFThe British Toper Vol 8 5
PDFBuskin II Vol 8 7
PDFColonel John Irwin Vol 8 Supplement  
PDFFanny Power Vol 8 Supplement  
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 8—Complete Edition Vol 8 complete
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 8—Cover Vol 8 cover
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 8—Foreword Vol 8 foreword
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 8—Frontispiece Vol 8 frontis
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 8—Illustration Vol 8 illustrations
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 8—Index Vol 8 index
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 8 Supplement—Complete Edition Vol 8 Supplement complete supplement
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 8 Supplement Cover Vol 8 Supplement cover supplement
PDFLawson’s Frisk Vol 8 8
PDFThe Maid of Bath Vol 8 2
PDFMorgan Magan Vol 8 Supplement  
PDFThe New Allemand Vol 8 6
PDFThe Russian Dance Vol 8 1
PDFThe Scrutiny Vol 8 11

Volume 9

Document Volume Page #
PDFBlenheim Place—Illustration Vol 9 illustration
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 9—Complete Edition Vol 9 complete
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 9—Cover Vol 9 cover
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 9—Foreword Vol 9 foreword
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 9—Frontispiece Vol 9 frontis
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 9—Index Vol 9 index
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 9—Supplement—Complete Edition Vol 9 Supplement complete supplement
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 9—Supplement—Frontispiece Vol 9 Supplement supplement frontis
PDFHeathcot’s Horse Race Vol 9 3
PDFLongborough 2 Vol 9 Supplement  
PDFLord What’s Come to my Mother Vol 9 4
PDFMeasure For Measure Vol 9 5
PDFOff With the Mask Vol 9 6
PDFPaddlers Coff Vol 9 Supplement  
PDFQueen Anne’s Statue—Illustration Vol 9  
PDFQueen’s Square Vol 9 10
PDFThe Red Ribbon Vol 9 9
PDFSt. James’s Park Vol 9 8
PDFA Trip to Blenheim Vol 9 1
PDFA Trip to Kilburn Vol 9 2
PDFA Trip to Plymouth Vol 9 Supplement  
PDFTumble Down Dick Vol 9 7

Volume 10

Document Volume Page #
PDFBritain’s Glory Vol 10 4
PDFDrapers Gardens Vol 10 8
PDFFrom Two Barns—Volume 10—Complete Edition Vol 10 complete
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 10—Cover Vol 10 cover
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 10—Foreword Vol 10 foreword
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 10—Index Vol 10 index
PDFFrom Two Barns—Vol. 10—Photo Illustrations Vol 10 illustration
PDFHewlett Vol 10 9
PDFI Wonder at it Vol 10 2
PDFMan Tiger Vol 10 10
PDFOpen All Hours Vol 10 5
PDFQuarter Day Vol 10 11
PDFShepherds Round Vol 10 3
PDFSoft and Sweet Vol 10 1
PDFValiant Jockey Vol 10 7
PDFWhy From Two Barns?—Essay Vol 10 essay