Dance Figures Index: American Country Dances, 1710-1830

This resource is a guide to the basic figures in all American printed and manuscript longways country dances in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century sources. 2,738 dances were coded. In addition to the usual information such as title, page number, source name, and date, each dance was analyzed for its basic figures and number of active couples in the longways minor set.

Compiled by Robert M. Keller

Dance Figures Index: English Country Dances, 1650-1833

A guide to the basic figures in major English printed longways country dances in eighteenth and early nineteenth-century sources. This database only includes sources for dances with instruction for country dances, or dances that could be identified as such. It does not include other dance forms, such as Cotillions or Allemand or similar dances.

Compiled by Robert M. Keller

Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839: An Index

This is a series of indexes derived from a database of musical information compiled from primary sources covering the 250 years of the initial exploration and settlement of the United States. It consists of over 75,000 entries that are sorted by text (titles, first lines, recitatives, chorus and burden), by music incipits (represented in scale degrees, stressed notes and interval sequences), with additional indexes of names and theater works.

Compiled by Robert M. Keller, Raoul F. Camus, Kate Van Winkle Keller, and Susan Cifaldi

Early American Songsters, 1734-1820: An Index

This resource is an index of all of the known songsters currently available. Lowens defines a songster “as a collection of three or more secular poems intended to be sung.” Most of the songsters do not include music, although many contain references to the names of tunes to which the song could be sung. References to where to find the songsters is provided.

Compiled by Robert M. Keller

The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783

This publication fills a major gap in access to eighteenth-century American sources for research in the performing arts and related humanities fields. It includes all references to music, poetry (lyrics), dance, and theater in American newspapers, from the earliest extant copy (1690) through the end of the Revolutionary War (1783).

Compiled by Mary Jane Corry, Kate Van Winkle Keller, and Robert M. Keller