The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:

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1757.09.09  Carlisle  CITATION Trumpeter, American deserter named Mueller, Johann 
1757.09.23  Carlisle  CITATION Trumpeter, American deserter named Mueller, Johann 
1757.10.07  Carlisle  CITATION Trumpeter, American deserter named Mueller, Johann 
1741.04.30  Silesia  CITATION Trumpeter, as messenger, signalling process described 
1736.07.19  Nantasket  CITATION Trumpeter, Caesar, Negro on board HMS Scarborough, drowned in recovery try 
1750.10.22  Bretagne  CITATION Trumpeter, Charrue, Simon, played in band of church music 
1772.08.27  London  CITATION Trumpeter, Cudjoe, State Trumpeter of Ireland, becomes heir to fortune 
1772.08.28  London  CITATION Trumpeter, Cudjoe, State Trumpeter of Ireland, becomes heir to fortune 
1772.09.10  London  CITATION Trumpeter, Cudjoe, State Trumpeter of Ireland, becomes heir to fortune 
1729.04.14  Boston  CITATION Trumpeter, deserter, Negro named Blow, Charles 
1729.04.21  Boston  CITATION Trumpeter, deserter, Negro named Blow, Charles 
1729.04.28  Boston  CITATION Trumpeter, deserter, Negro named Blow, Charles 
1777.04.30  America  CITATION Trumpeter, in America, messenger from camp to camp, to gather information 
1714.03.08  Barcelona  CITATION Trumpeter, in Barcelona, messenger from enemy, not sent back immediately 
1715.01.03  Barcelona  CITATION Trumpeter, in Barcelona, messengers to be stopped and sent back 
1742.11.08  Bohemia  CITATION Trumpeter, in Bohemia, messenger sent by Marshal Bellisle 
1737.11.04  Bosnia  CITATION Trumpeter, in Bosnia, messenger, sounded signal, cannon shot at him 
1724.12.07  Boston  CITATION Trumpeter, in Boston, attends barbers gathered to debate prices 
1775.07.24  Boston  CITATION Trumpeter, in Boston, messenger from Burgoye to Lee 
1775.07.24  Boston  CITATION Trumpeter, in Boston, messenger from Burgoyne to Lee 
1775.07.27  Boston  CITATION Trumpeter, in Boston, messenger from Burgoyne to Lee 
1756.10.18  Boston  CITATION Trumpeter, in Boston, needed for privateer 
1743.10.10  Boston  CITATION Trumpeter, in Boston, Negro wanted for privateers sailing from Newport 
1721.12.25  Boston  CITATION Trumpeter, in Boston, serenades newly married African couple, receives tip 
1748.08.25  Brussels  CITATION Trumpeter, in Brussels, accompanied gifts to Count Saxe from Cumberland 
1775.07.22  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from British 
1775.07.17  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne 
1775.07.18  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne 
1775.07.19  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne 
1775.08.16  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne 
1775.09.01  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne 
1775.09.13  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne 
1775.09.13  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne 
1775.07.21  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne to Lee 
1775.07.21  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne to Lee 
1775.07.21  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne to Lee 
1775.07.22  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne to Lee 
1775.08.02  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne to Lee 
1775.08.09  Cambridge  CITATION Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne to Lee 
1781.02.05  Charles City  CITATION Trumpeter, in Charles City Court House, British casualty 
1704.10.09  Europe  CITATION Trumpeter, in Crescencio, messenger from Duke of Vendome 
1736.06.29  Derby  CITATION Trumpeter, in Derby, heading celebrating mob, unsure of reason 
1743.10.11  Dettington  CITATION Trumpeter, in Dettington, messenger from British 
1757.12.01  Dresden  CITATION Trumpeter, in Dresden, messenger from Austrian army 
1759.11.23  Dresden  CITATION Trumpeter, in Dresden, messenger from Austrian army 
1759.11.08  Dresden  CITATION Trumpeter, in Dresden, messenger sent to Count Schmettau with ultimatum 
1712.09.22  Dunkirk  CITATION Trumpeter, in Dunkirk, messenger from Marshall Villers to Duke of Ormond 
1757.12.01  Erfurth  CITATION Trumpeter, in Erfurth, messenger from King with promotion to Colonel Laudon 
1743.11.28  Europe  CITATION Trumpeter, in Europe, messenger from Marshal de Noailles, secret content 
1743.12.26  Europe  CITATION Trumpeter, in Europe, messenger sent by French to Allies with dispatches 
1782.12.11  Philadelphia  CITATION Trumpeter, in fable, brave in peace, coward in war 
1745.01.21  Flanders  CITATION Trumpeter, in Flanders, sent as messenger from Count Saxe 
1744.10.01  Florida  CITATION Trumpeter, in Florida, Spanish casualty in action against Indians 
1744.11.01  Florida  CITATION Trumpeter, in Florida, Spanish casualty in action against Indians 
1744.11.06  Florida  CITATION Trumpeter, in Florida, Spanish casualty in action against Indians 
1744.11.08  Florida  CITATION Trumpeter, in Florida, Spanish casualty in action against Indians 
1744.11.08  Florida  CITATION Trumpeter, in Florida, Spanish casualty in action against Indians 
1744.11.13  Florida  CITATION Trumpeter, in Florida, Spanish casualty in action against Indians 
1742.03.02  Frankfort  CITATION Trumpeter, in Frankfort, accompanied Prussian officer with messages 
1742.03.29  Francfort  CITATION Trumpeter, in Frankfort, accompanied Prussian officer with messages 
1744.09.06  Ghent  CITATION Trumpeter, in Ghent, messenger from Count Saxe with ultimatum 
1734.02.11  Grodno  CITATION Trumpeter, in island of Kempe, Russian messenger, taken to Polish camp 
1741.06.22  Newport  CITATION Trumpeter, in Jamaica, ordered by gentleman to play retreat [t] 
1742.10.14  Koningshal  CITATION Trumpeter, in Koningshal, messenger from Duke de Belleisle 
1742.10.28  Koningshal  CITATION Trumpeter, in Koningshal, messenger from Duke de Belleisle 
1742.10.14  Koningshal  CITATION Trumpeter, in Koningshal, messenger from French to Prince Charles 
1736.09.23  Lancaster  CITATION Trumpeter, in Lancaster, accompanies mob demanding boundary rights 
1736.10.18  Lancaster  CITATION Trumpeter, in Lancaster, accompanies mob demanding boundary rights 
1736.10.25  Lancaster  CITATION Trumpeter, in Lancaster, accompanies mob demanding boundary rights 
1736.10.28  Lancaster  CITATION Trumpeter, in Lancaster, accompanies mob demanding boundary rights 
1736.12.04  Lancaster  CITATION Trumpeter, in Lancaster, accompanies mob demanding boundary rights 
1759.11.08  Lauban  CITATION Trumpeter, in Lauban, sent as messenger to Russians 
1759.10.25  Leipsic  CITATION Trumpeter, in Leipsic, accompanied Austrian officer with ultimatum 
1771.11.18  London  CITATION Trumpeter, in London, fought in Queen Anne's wars, owned still active horse 
1771.11.26  London  CITATION Trumpeter, in London, fought in Queen Anne's wars, owned still active horse 
1771.12.10  London  CITATION Trumpeter, in London, fought in Queen Anne's wars, owned still active horse 
1740.01.14  London  CITATION Trumpeter, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1766.01.27  London  CITATION Trumpeter, in London, in procession, for funeral of Duke of Cumberland 
1770.05.15  London  CITATION Trumpeter, in London, played God Save the King [t], as salute to Lord Mayor 
1758.08.05  Louisburg  CITATION Trumpeter, in Louisburg, brought information of troop strength 
1758.07.22  Louisburg  CITATION Trumpeter, in Louisburg, sent as messenger for surrender 
1734.02.11  Marienburg  CITATION Trumpeter, in Marienburg, as Russian messenger to Polish camp, blindfolded 
1734.03.21  Marienburg  CITATION Trumpeter, in Marienburg, Russian, taken to Polish camp as messenger 
1734.11.04  Mentz  CITATION Trumpeter, in Mentz, French messenger, to retrieve silver service 
1756.08.12  Minorca  CITATION Trumpeter, in Minorca, messenger from Governor to French invaders 
1777.04.01  Philadelphia  CITATION Trumpeter, in Morristown, wanted for Light Infantry, to teach Horse duty 
1760.03.03  Munster  CITATION Trumpeter, in Munster, messenger sent by French for terms of capitulation 
1735.04.12  Naples  CITATION Trumpeter, in Naples, sent as messenger to commandant of fort 
1737.10.20  Nissa  CITATION Trumpeter, in Nissa, sent to Bashaw to demand surrender 
1728.01.11  Osnabrug  CITATION Trumpeter, in Osnabrug, accompanied King's corpse into town 
1744.09.27  Oudenarde  CITATION Trumpeter, in Oudenarde, accompanied French officer, messenger 
1735.03.31  Philipsbourg  CITATION Trumpeter, in Philipsbourg, as messenger to enemy, complaint about bullets 
1742.09.16  Piseck  CITATION Trumpeter, in Piseck, messenger from General Nadasti 
1742.05.20  Piseck  CITATION Trumpeter, in Piseck, messenger sent to French Commandant with ultimatum 
1747.01.20  Port Louis  CITATION Trumpeter, in Port Louis, messenger with ultimatum to Commandant 
1706.10.07  Portugal  CITATION Trumpeter, in Portugal, messenger from Duke of Berwick to claim prisoners 
1743.05.12  Ratisbon  CITATION Trumpeter, in Ratisbon, as messenger 
1736.02.02  Shiferdstat  CITATION Trumpeter, in Shiferdstad, messenger to announce suspension of arms 
1741.04.30  Silesia  CITATION Trumpeter, in Silesia, sent with messenger, signalling process described 
1745.07.08  Soignes  CITATION Trumpeter, in Soignies, messenger to French to demand prisoners on cartel 
1744.11.08  St Augustine  CITATION Trumpeter, in St Augustine, Spanish, killed in engagement 
1744.10.15  Tournay  CITATION Trumpeter, in Tournay, French messenger, sent to Tournay to demand surrender 
1720.05.05  Trapani  CITATION Trumpeter, in Trapani, messenger with proposition to evacuate Sicily 
1706.07.01  Spain  CITATION Trumpeter, in Valencia, messenger to inhabitants with ultimatum 
1741.12.01  Vienna  CITATION Trumpeter, in Vienna, accompanied messenger with ultimatums from Elector 
1741.12.01  Vienna  CITATION Trumpeter, in Vienna, Bavarian, accompanied messenger with ultimatum 
1742.01.18  Vienna  CITATION Trumpeter, in Vienna, messenger from Elector of Bavaria 
1742.01.18  Vienna  CITATION Trumpeter, in Vienna, messenger from Elector of Bavaria 
1742.02.08  Vienna  CITATION Trumpeter, in Vienna, messenger from Elector of Bavaria 
1776.06.14  Virginia  CITATION Trumpeter, in Virginia Cavalry troop, ordnance and pay 
1776.06.28  Virginia  CITATION Trumpeter, in Virginia Cavalry troop, ordnance and pay 
1781.11.24  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeter, in Yorktown, Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.12.29  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeter, in Yorktown, Hessian, taken prisoner 
1744.10.11  Ypres  CITATION Trumpeter, in Ypres, messenger from French to garrison 
1733.02.12  Fontainbleau  CITATION Trumpeter, made of pottery, in image of troop of horse, made by Olivier 
1743.10.18  Rhine  CITATION Trumpeter, near Rhine, coat as spoils of war taken from enemy 
1708.03.29  Exuma  CITATION Trumpeter, Negro, taken from Spanish privateer 
1747.12.03  New York  CITATION Trumpeter, on privateer, articles of agreement on shares 
1747.12.12  New York  CITATION Trumpeter, on privateer, articles of agreement on shares 
1747.12.15  New York  CITATION Trumpeter, on privateer, articles of agreement on shares 
1743.11.03  France  CITATION Trumpeter's coat, in France, spoils of war taken on field of battle 
1765.06.20  Kensington  CITATION Trumpeters, executed in sugar work by German confectioner 
1745.07.15  Coracoa  CITATION Trumpeters Gate, in Coracoa, English sailors imprisoned in 
1777.06.26  London  CITATION Trumpeters, Hessian, among troops sent to America 
1762.01.21  Alexandria  CITATION Trumpeters, in Alexandria, in procession for Feast of St Andrew 
1740.08.11  Barbados  CITATION Trumpeters, in Barbados, in procession, for St John's Day 
1740.08.18  Barbados  CITATION Trumpeters, in Barbados, in procession of Freemasons 
1743.07.16  Bayreuth  CITATION Trumpeters, in Bayreuth, in procession, for Freemasons 
1764.07.14  Bengal  CITATION Trumpeters, in Bengal, Seapoy casualties 
1764.09.03  Bengal  CITATION Trumpeters, in Bengal, Seapoy casualties 
1764.03.16  Berlin  CITATION Trumpeters, in Berlin, in procession of Achmet Effendi Bassa 
1739.07.05  Boston  CITATION Trumpeters, in Boston, in procession for Freemasons, in band of music 
1734.05.20  Boston  CITATION Trumpeters, in Boston, in procession for marriage of Princess Royal 
1734.05.23  Boston  CITATION Trumpeters, in Boston, in procession for marriage of Princess Royal 
1739.07.02  Boston  CITATION Trumpeters, in Boston, in procession for St John's Day 
1739.08.10  Boston  CITATION Trumpeters, in Boston, in procession of Freemasons, in band of music 
1756.10.25  Boston  CITATION Trumpeters, in Boston, needed for crew of snow Boston 
1756.10.25  Boston  CITATION Trumpeters, in Boston, needed for crew of snow Boston 
1756.10.28  Boston  CITATION Trumpeters, in Boston, needed for crew of snow Boston 
1724.09.21  Boston  CITATION Trumpeters, in Boston, salaries to be paid out of fines 
1708.12.13  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in British vessels, order for distribution of prizes 
1744.06.11  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in British vessels, order for distribution of prizes 
1756.11.08  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in British vessels, order for distribution of prizes 
1763.09.22  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in British vessels, order for distribution of prizes 
1763.10.06  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in British vessels, order for distribution of prizes 
1763.11.03  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in British vessels, order for distribution of prizes 
1776.03.18  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in British vessels, order for distribution of prizes 
1776.03.21  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in British vessels, order for distribution of prizes 
1776.03.29  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in British vessels, order for distribution of prizes 
1707.04.14  Brussels  CITATION Trumpeters, in Brussels, in cavalcade to honor Duke of Marlborough 
1733.10.25  Deerham  CITATION Trumpeters, in Buckingham, in procession for arrival of Lord Cobham 
1741.09.17  Buhlau  CITATION Trumpeters, in Buhlau, messengers from King of Prussia to Velt Marshal 
1740.05.03  Charleston  CITATION Trumpeters, in Charleston, in procession for declaration of war 
1720.02.29  Constantinople  CITATION Trumpeters, in Constantinople, in procession, for Ambassador's entry 
1720.10.03  Constantinople  CITATION Trumpeters, in Constantinople, in procession of ambassador Count de Virmond 
1778.08.26  Philadelphia  CITATION Trumpeters, in Continental Army, organization and pay scales 
1778.06.10  Lancaster  CITATION Trumpeters, in Continental Army, pay established 
1778.06.13  Lancaster  CITATION Trumpeters, in Continental Army, pay established 
1778.06.25  Lancaster  CITATION Trumpeters, in Continental Army, pay established 
1778.07.02  Lancaster  CITATION Trumpeters, in Continental Army, pay established 
1778.09.02  Lancaster  CITATION Trumpeters, in Continental Army, pay established 
1778.10.09  Lancaster  CITATION Trumpeters, in Continental Army, pay established 
1721.10.30  Copenhagen  CITATION Trumpeters, in Copenhagen, in procession for entry of Queen 
1732.10.23  Cork  CITATION Trumpeters, in Cork, in procession, for First of August 
1755.04.21  Cork  CITATION Trumpeters, in Cork, in procession for public punishment of bawdy house keep 
1732.12.07  Cork  CITATION Trumpeters, in Cork, in procession of shoemakers for First of August 
1732.12.09  Cork  CITATION Trumpeters, in Cork, in procession of shoemakers for First of August 
1755.04.24  Cork  CITATION Trumpeters, in Cork, in procession to punish bawdy house keeper 
1781.02.22  Cowpens  CITATION Trumpeters, in Cowpens, British prisoners of war, of Legion 
1770.07.26  Denhighshire  CITATION Trumpeters, in Denhighshire, in procession, for birthday of Watkin Wynn 
1720.04.25  Dresden  CITATION Trumpeters, in Dresden, in procession, for entry of Prince of Saxony 
1753.02.01  Dublin  CITATION Trumpeters, in Dublin, in pageant, playing Baccanalian tunes 
1716.08.20  Dublin  CITATION Trumpeters, in Dublin, in procession, for arrival of Duke of Grafton 
1783.05.27  Dublin  CITATION Trumpeters, in Dublin, in procession, for Knights of Shamrock 
1783.05.27  Dublin  CITATION Trumpeters, in Dublin, in procession for Knights of St Patrick 
1783.05.20  Dublin  CITATION Trumpeters, in Dublin, in procession, installation, Knights of St Patrick 
1783.06.26  Dublin  CITATION Trumpeters, in Dublin, in procession, installation, Knights of St Patrick 
1732.10.16  Edinburgh  CITATION Trumpeters, in Edinburgh, in procession, for Royal Company of Archers 
1724.10.12  Boston  CITATION Trumpeters, in essay including lyric [beg] There was four and twenty fidlers 
1764.03.10  Europe  CITATION Trumpeters, in Europe, in procession for arrival of King 
1758.03.09  Fauxbourg  CITATION Trumpeters, in Fauxbourg, messengers from Prince with ultimatum 
1745.09.09  Flanders  CITATION Trumpeters, in Flanders, messengers to French army to enquire after wounded 
1768.12.26  Glasgow  CITATION Trumpeters, in Glasgow, in procession of Freemasons laying bridge cornerston 
1729.12.15  Holland  CITATION Trumpeters, in Groningen, in procession for Prince of Orange 
1730.02.10  Holland  CITATION Trumpeters, in Groningen, in procession for Prince of Orange 
1752.05.18  Hague  CITATION Trumpeters, in Hague, in procession for funeral of Stadholder 
1752.05.19  Hague  CITATION Trumpeters, in Hague, in procession for funeral of Stadholder 
1745.04.15  Hamburgh  CITATION Trumpeters, in Hamburgh, messengers from King of Prussia to Prince Charles 
1777.05.29  Hesse Cassel  CITATION Trumpeters, in Hesse Cassel, in Corps of Chasseurs 
1733.04.05  Fontainbleau  CITATION Trumpeters, in image of Troop of Horse made of pottery, given to Princes 
1753.07.07  India  CITATION Trumpeters, in India, in procession for wedding 
1764.07.16  India  CITATION Trumpeters, in India, Seapoy casualties 
1764.07.19  India  CITATION Trumpeters, in India, Seapoy casualties 
1764.07.20  India  CITATION Trumpeters, in India, Seapoy casualties 
1764.07.23  India  CITATION Trumpeters, in India, Seapoy casualties 
1753.09.13  Ireland  CITATION Trumpeters, in Ireland, in procession, for mob in protest 
1753.10.04  Ireland  CITATION Trumpeters, in Ireland, with mobs protesting division of public lands 
1735.08.26  Italy  CITATION Trumpeters, in Italy, of Count Konigsegg's army, cover retreat 
1735.10.16  Italy  CITATION Trumpeters, in Italy, of Count Konigsegg's army, cover retreat 
1735.10.16  Italy  CITATION Trumpeters, in Italy, of Count Konigsegg's army, cover retreat, captured 
1732.01.24  Leopoldstadt  CITATION Trumpeters, in Leopoldstadt, in procession for Elector of Mentz 
1734.08.19  Lewarden  CITATION Trumpeters, in Lewarden, in procession for entry of Prince of Orange 
1734.09.02  Lewarden  CITATION Trumpeters, in Lewarden, in procession for entry of Prince of Orange 
1746.12.09  Lisbon  CITATION Trumpeters, in Lisbon, in military band of music 
1746.12.22  Lisbon  CITATION Trumpeters, in Lisbon, in military band of music 
1747.01.13  Lisbon  CITATION Trumpeters, in Lisbon, in military band of music 
1749.04.13  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, 40 in band of music for fireworks 
1749.05.01  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, 40 in band of music for fireworks, best musicians 
1738.09.04  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, accompany fireworks at christening of Prince 
1744.09.20  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, accompany prize from ship to Tower 
1744.10.08  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, accompany prize from ship to Tower 
1744.10.16  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, accompany prize from ship to Tower 
1762.10.28  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, accompany prize from ship to Tower 
1762.12.09  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, accompany prize from ship to Tower 
1727.11.16  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, announced King's coronation date 
1761.09.21  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, announced King's coronation date 
1761.09.28  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, announced King's coronation date 
1761.09.28  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, announced King's coronation date 
1766.01.20  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, for funeral of Duke of Cumberland, play solemn march 
1739.08.24  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in music of Lilliputian company of foot 
1739.12.29  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for announcement of war 
1762.10.21  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for birth of prince 
1768.01.25  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for burial of Duke of York 
1715.05.23  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George I 
1727.11.23  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George II 
1727.11.27  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of King 
1727.11.27  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of King 
1727.12.07  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of King 
1761.11.16  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George III 
1761.11.16  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George III 
1761.11.16  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George III 
1761.11.19  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George III 
1761.11.20  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George III 
1761.11.20  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of King 
1761.11.23  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George III 
1761.11.23  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George III 
1761.11.26  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George III 
1761.11.26  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George III 
1761.11.26  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George III 
1761.11.28  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of King 
1761.12.10  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George III 
1762.02.08  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for coronation of George III 
1719.04.20  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1740.01.10  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1740.01.14  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1740.01.15  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1740.02.01  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war with Spain 
1740.02.05  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1740.02.12  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1740.02.13  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1756.07.26  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1756.07.29  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1756.07.29  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1756.07.31  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1756.08.02  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1756.08.05  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
1761.01.08  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for declaration of George III 
1751.12.05  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for execution of Thomas Colley 
1721.04.27  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for funeral of Earl Stanhope 
1736.04.27  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for funeral of Duke of Buckingham 
1738.03.17  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for funeral of Queen 
1743.06.27  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for funeral of Dutchess of Buckingham 
1743.06.30  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for funeral of Dutchess of Buckingham 
1761.01.19  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for funeral of King, walk in mourning 
1761.01.29  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for funeral of King, walk in mourning 
1761.01.29  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for funeral of King, walk in mourning 
1761.02.14  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for funeral of King, walk in mourning 
1761.02.19  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for funeral of King, walk in mourning 
1734.02.20  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of Princess Royal 
1734.05.16  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of Princess Royal 
1734.05.20  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of Princess Royal 
1734.05.23  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of Prince of Wales 
1734.05.25  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of Princess Royal 
1734.05.27  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of Princess Royal 
1736.06.10  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of Prince of Wales 
1736.06.14  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of Prince of Wales 
1736.06.15  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of Prince of Wales 
1736.06.28  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of Prince of Wales 
1736.06.28  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of Prince of Wales 
1736.07.01  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of Prince of Wales 
1761.11.09  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of George III 
1761.11.09  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of George III 
1761.11.12  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of George III 
1761.11.16  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of George III 
1761.11.19  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of George III 
1761.11.20  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of George III 
1761.11.22  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of George III 
1761.11.23  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of George III 
1761.11.26  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for marriage of George III 
1751.04.04  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for opening of new bridge 
1751.04.15  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for opening of new bridge 
1763.05.16  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1763.05.23  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1763.05.23  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1763.05.27  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1763.05.28  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1763.05.30  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1763.06.02  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1763.06.02  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1763.06.04  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1763.06.09  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1763.06.09  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1783.12.06  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1783.12.18  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1783.12.23  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1783.12.29  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for proclamation of peace 
1783.03.01  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for Rodney 
1736.08.23  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for state entry 
1768.08.25  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for Wilkes 
1768.09.08  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession for Wilkes 
1744.09.06  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of Anson's treasure 
1744.09.11  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of Anson's treasure 
1744.09.20  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of Anson's treasure 
1735.06.30  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of Freemasons 
1736.07.22  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of Freemasons 
1737.07.11  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of Freemasons 
1737.07.04  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of Freemasons for Earl of Darnley 
1737.07.21  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of Freemasons for Earl of Darnley 
1737.07.29  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of Freemasons, for new appointments 
1737.08.13  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of Freemasons for Earl of Darnley 
1737.09.12  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of Freemasons for Earl of Darnley 
1735.08.14  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of Freemasons, mounted 
1776.01.06  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of King to House of Peers 
1776.01.08  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of King to House of Peers 
1776.01.10  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of King to House of Peers 
1776.01.11  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of King to House of Peers 
1776.01.11  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of King to House of Peers 
1776.01.15  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of King to House of Peers 
1776.01.19  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of King to House of Peers 
1746.02.10  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, in procession of privateers' treasure 
1771.01.31  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, of household, ordered to stand by for war declaration 
1771.02.04  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, of household, ordered to stand by for war declaration 
1771.02.04  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, of household, ordered to stand by for war declaration 
1771.02.04  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, of household, ordered to stand by for war declaration 
1771.02.07  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, of household, ordered to stand by for war declaration 
1771.02.11  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, of household, ordered to stand by for war declaration 
1771.02.14  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, of household, ordered to stand by for war declaration 
1771.02.22  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, of household, ordered to stand by for war declaration 
1740.02.12  London  CITATION Trumpeters, in London, play to announce war against Spain 
1759.11.30  Madrid  CITATION Trumpeters, in Madrid, in procession for funeral of King 
1759.12.13  Madrid  CITATION Trumpeters, in Madrid, in procession for funeral of King 
1756.06.03  Annapolis  CITATION Trumpeters, in Maryland militia, mounted troops, recruiting and pay 
1758.02.13  Boston  CITATION Trumpeters, in Massachusetts militia, paid for by fines for neglect of duty 
1741.09.08  Europe  CITATION Trumpeters, in Meiss, as messengers, send unblindfolded 
1758.08.07  Near East  CITATION Trumpeters, in Near East, in procession of pilgrims of Mahomet 
1777.04.03  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, British casualties 
1777.04.03  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, British casualties 
1777.04.21  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, British casualties 
1777.03.17  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, British casualties through fall of 1776 
1737.09.20  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, in procession for election 
1737.09.15  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, in procession for elections 
1737.09.19  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, in procession for elections 
1737.10.07  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, in procession for elections 
1714.10.18  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, in procession for King's accession 
1764.12.20  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, informal serenading at night disturbs peace 
1764.03.26  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, to perform in Grand Chorus, in concert 
1764.03.29  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, to perform in Grand Chorus, in concert 
1764.04.02  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, to perform in Grand Chorus, in concert 
1764.04.05  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, to perform in Grand Chorus, in concert 
1764.03.26  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, to play in benefit concert, in Grand Chorus 
1764.04.02  New York  CITATION Trumpeters, in New York, to play in benefit concert, in Grand Chorus 
1742.05.06  Newburg  CITATION Trumpeters, in Newburg, Austrian, accompany messenger with ultimatum 
1737.10.27  Nissa  CITATION Trumpeters, in Nissa, sent to Bashaw to demand surrender, wounded by Turks 
1758.05.18  Osnabrug  CITATION Trumpeters, in Osnabrug, messengers from Hanoverian army 
1722.05.07  Paris  CITATION Trumpeters, in Paris, in procession, for entry of Infanta Queen 
1774.01.24  Petersburgh  CITATION Trumpeters, in Petersburgh, in procession, for marriage of Emperor 
1774.02.04  Petersburgh  CITATION Trumpeters, in Petersburgh, in procession, for marriage of Emperor 
1774.02.17  Petersburgh  CITATION Trumpeters, in Petersburgh, in procession for marriage of Emperor 
1778.05.26  Philadelphia  CITATION Trumpeters, in Philadelphia, as heralds in Meschianza 
1778.06.23  Philadelphia  CITATION Trumpeters, in Philadelphia, play at entertainment for Howe 
1779.08.04  Philadelphia  CITATION Trumpeters, in Philadelphia, played at Catholic Chapel for 4th of July 
1771.11.28  Philadelphia  CITATION Trumpeters, in Philadelphia, to play in concert 
1771.11.28  Philadelphia  CITATION Trumpeters, in Philadelphia, to play in concert 
1771.12.05  Philadelphia  CITATION Trumpeters, in Philadelphia, to play in concert 
1771.12.05  Philadelphia  CITATION Trumpeters, in Philadelphia, to play in concert 
1757.06.17  Portsmouth  CITATION Trumpeters, in Portsmouth, needed for crew of HMS Prince Edward 
1766.08.09  Providence  CITATION Trumpeters, in Providence, in procession for repeal of Stamp act 
1766.08.21  Providence  CITATION Trumpeters, in Providence, in procession for repeal of Stamp act 
1721.08.31  Rome  CITATION Trumpeters, in Rome, in procession for burial of Pope, in mourning 
1724.05.25  Rome  CITATION Trumpeters, in Rome, in procession, for funeral of Pope 
1769.05.04  Rome  CITATION Trumpeters, in Rome, in procession for funeral of Pope, play Dead March [t] 
1730.07.23  Rome  CITATION Trumpeters, in Rome, in procession, for Pope's lying in state 
1705.04.23  Saarbruck  CITATION Trumpeters, in Saarbruck, French, in move against German garrison 
1722.11.23  Salisbury  CITATION Trumpeters, in Salisbury, in procession for arrival of King 
1741.07.07  Silesia  CITATION Trumpeters, in Silesia, Austrian casualties 
1741.07.27  Silesia  CITATION Trumpeters, in Silesia, Austrian casualties 
1741.07.30  Silesia  CITATION Trumpeters, in Silesia, Austrian casualties 
1734.02.25  Alsace  CITATION Trumpeters, in Strasbourg, as messengers, sent after bridge is built 
1746.03.10  Tunbridge Well  CITATION Trumpeters, in Tunbridge Wells, in procession, for effigy of Pretender 
1746.03.31  TunbridgeWells  CITATION Trumpeters, in Tunbridge Wells, in procession for effigy of Pretender 
1768.11.21  Turkey  CITATION Trumpeters, in Turkey, announce declaration of war 
1729.04.21  Versailles  CITATION Trumpeters, in Versaille, in procession of butchers 
1729.05.01  Versailles  CITATION Trumpeters, in Versaille, in procession of butchers 
1733.06.28  Versailles  CITATION Trumpeters, in Versailles, in funeral procession of M de Bellefonds 
1765.04.29  Vienna  CITATION Trumpeters, in Vienna, in procession, for parade of nobility 
1765.05.03  Hanover  CITATION Trumpeters, in Vienna, in procession, for parade of nobility 
1755.08.29  Williamsburg  CITATION Trumpeters, in Virginia militia, pay rate established for Horse troops 
1733.11.05  Westchester,NY  CITATION Trumpeters, in Westchester, in procession for election of Lewis Morris 
1715.09.12  Windsor  CITATION Trumpeters, in Windsor, in procession, for Knights of the Garter 
1781.11.06  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.07  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.07  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.14  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.15  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.15  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.19  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.20  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.22  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.22  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.22  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.22  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.22  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.23  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.24  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.26  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.26  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.12.26  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British and Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.07  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British, taken prisoner 
1781.11.07  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British, taken prisoner 
1781.11.14  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British, taken prisoner 
1781.11.22  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British, taken prisoner 
1781.11.22  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British, taken prisoner 
1781.11.24  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British, taken prisoner 
1781.11.24  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British, taken prisoner 
1781.12.29  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, British, taken prisoner 
1781.11.14  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, Hessian, taken prisoner 
1781.11.24  Yorktown  CITATION Trumpeters, in Yorktown, taken prisoner 
1778.11.09  Zittau  CITATION Trumpeters, in Zittau, arrived with men claiming forage 
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